Serving Austin 512-327-5337 and Cedar Park 512-770-1777


About CoolSculpting®

CoolSculpting® uses a patented method for the reduction and removal of unwanted fat tissue through Cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis creates a precise way of controlled cooling to remove excess fat. This method is designed to damage and eliminate fat cells without injury to the skin or other tissue that results from more invasive procedures such as liposuction. This non-surgical approach is most suitable for patients who only need minimal fat reduction, as well as for those who are hesitant to undergo surgery for fat removal.

Patient Results with CoolSculpting®

The CoolSculpting® procedure can result in an undeniable fat reduction in the treated areas. Typically 2 treatments will be required to achieve the desired effect. If further reduction is desired, this can be done as soon as one month. Your treatment provider will guide you through this process for optimal results. At that time additional reduction can be achieved to the treated area.

Patients may start to see changes as quickly as three weeks after their treatment but will experience the most dramatic results after two months from their last treatment. However, the body is still flushing fat cells for up to four months post-procedure and that is when you will get your final result.

Introducing the CoolSmooth and CoolMini*

The newest applicator in the CoolSculpting line, the Coolsmooth uses a non-suction-based design that can treat non-pinchable subcutaneous fat and is popular for treating the outer thighs. The FDA cleared CoolSmooth system is a flat, plate-like device that uses top-down cooling and is adaptable to virtually any area that has fat. This revolutionary applicator gives us the ability to treat more areas of the body than what could previously be treated with the primary CoolSculpting device. For smaller fat pockets, like the double chin, tops of the knees, etc, the CoolMini provides another great way to treat stubborn, small pockets of fat in problem zones.


The sensation is a firm pull – enough of a pull to ensure the tissue will be cooled efficiently. In the first minutes of the procedure, the patient feels a sensation of intense cold. This soon dissipates as the tissue held by the device becomes numb. The patient is seated comfortably or lying down during the one to three-hour procedure. Many people spend this time working on their laptop, watching a movie, or simply relaxing.

Recovery Time

The CoolSculpting® procedure is completely non-invasive, so patients can return to normal activities immediately. Some patients experience localized swelling in the area treated, redness, minor bruising, tingling, or numbness in the treated area, but this is temporary. You may resume working out immediately.

Long Term Maintenance

During the CoolSculpting® procedure, the treated fat cells are eliminated. As long as the patient maintains his or her weight with diet and exercise, long-term results should remain stable.

Optimizing Coolsculpting Outcomes

At Hall Plastic Surgery & Rejuvenation Center, we use an integrative approach to our treatments to achieve the best results for our clients. Coolsculpting treatments can be enhanced with a wellness consultation with our Wellness Specialist who can recommend any dietary changes that may be needed. In addition, we may recommend supplements and specific skin tightening body care products to enhance results.

*Actual results may vary from patient to patient. We cannot make any guarantees on individual outcomes.

Rejuvenation MedSpa Services

We are a family-owned cosmetic surgery facility and medspa that offers skincare, wellness, and hair restoration to provide the most advanced approach to anti-aging. We strive to serve Austin and its surrounding areas with the highest level of care, experience, and integrity within our intimate, state-of-the-art facility.


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Do you love your fresh-looking skin or have you noticed a change in the quality of the skin on your forehead or around your eyes? It’s time for a Neurotoxin such as Newtox, Dysport, or Botox.

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The best non-invasive fat reduction treatment with permanent results. Hall Rejuvenation Medspa was the first practice in Austin to offer this treatment.

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Ulthera is a Non-surgical, ultrasound treatment to lift, tighten, and tone the face. Our practice is the first in Austin to offer this advanced technology in skin tightening.

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The worlds first Hybrid fractional laser that can treat discoloration, sun damage, uneven skin tone, enlarged pores, textural issues, and improve the appearance of scars.

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Hall Plastic Surgery offers additional medspa services including Waxing, Facials, Hydrafacial, Microneedling, Microblading, PRP and Hair Restoration.

Hall Westlake

300 Beardsley Lane
Austin, Texas 78746
Bldg C, Suite 101

Hours of Business
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm

Westlake Directions

Hall Cedar Park

301 Denali Pass Dr
Cedar Park, TX 78613

Hours of Business
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm

Cedar Park Directions

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